Thursday, September 16, 2021

How to Avoid Hacks on AJ classic

 Theres been a lot of hacking on animal jam as a trade off of all the scammers, one way I protect my account is by using my parent account. On the parent dashboard you can enable/disable the ability to send gifts, trade with others, chat, use jammer, wall, and even the whole account. I always disable my account after I have logged in. 

Heres how:

Login to your parent account

Find the gold AJ paw icon, second tab

Find the "account enabled:", turn off that, red button means the account is disabled

This locks your animal jam account, so if someone tries to login to your account, a message with "something went wrong will appear", AJ will not explain what the issue is. So, make your hackers mad they can't get in! 

Please note: You will need to re enable your account in order to log back in again. Every time you disable your account, you will have to re enable it, I do it every time I use AJ just to be extra safe. 

Hope this helps, Jam on


I am officially back on aj..

 Its been a few years since I have been on aj, and the worths have certainly changed so much since late 2018. Im finding over all people are nicer, much nicer, people gift more, of course theres still some scammers and hackers, but I've never seen so many people gift spikes and even good rare items like HDS, and party hats. I think its great! I got my membership back and I'm officially back on AJ, like full time. I'm also so thankful for all the friends who have gifted me so much, I only hope good Karma keeps coming to them because they deserve it! I will see you around on AJ -iceskating112


 Hi, welcome back! Just wanted to make as many people aware of this scammer cheesecorn6, they hire large amounts of people to help scam. Please do not ever attend a giveaway if its hosted by cheesecorn6. She scams by the troll flash trade method. Please block and report this player.