Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mech Angel Helmet

Hey jammers you may be wondering why I am posting about the mech angel helmet. Well the mech angel helmet is a very rare beta item and is quite wanted in animal jam. These were sold during the beta stage and left right before it ended. This item is worth quite a bit and come in 8 colors total.
There is a rare version which was a rare item Monday in 2013. This one is still pretty rare but is not as rare as the non rare.
There is also the freedom helmet which is not worth much because you can buy it at the freedom party.
Anyways back to the mech angel helmets....Some items they are worth:
  1. Rare long collar/wrist certain colors 
  2. Non rare headdress (Note that headdresses aren't as rare as many jammers think)
  3. Worns certain colors
  4. Beta testing den betas


  1. i have 4 mech angel helmets i love seeing offers from you jammers if you want to offer im cub124 have a fiery day!

  2. hi I have mech angel helmet in play wild my user is lunarwolf399 so u can offer if u want to
