Sunday, March 13, 2016

Tips on How to Get on The Epic Dens List

Hey jammers, many jammers probably wonder about how to get on the epic dens list, well I had experience with that! About three months ago I was on this list of epic dens and figured out why! Though this made some jammers upset about my den because it wasn't beta, so someone sent me a jam a gram saying I have a bad den but, just because a den isn't beta doesn't mean it is not cool which is my first tip.
Here are some things you should consider but, don't worry if you don't get on soon it changes daily!
Some things to consider:

  1. Decorate your den how ever you would like! It could have a theme with it such as I saw a really cool jungle themed den. Or for example I just put completely random items and cluttered it together and made it to the epic dens list with my rocket ship den though currently it is at my small house and is all non member items except den portal!
  2. Remember AJHQ looks for dens that they think jammers who spent time and effort into making it unique and interesting. And believe me there are so many cool items to put in your den wether it's beta or not! Also you want to set a good impression by showing off your rarity as well because people like dens with lots of real den betas if you don't have lots or even any there are still so many cool things out their
  3. Invite friends or random jammers to look or have a party in your den! AJHQ wants to future a den that people want to go to or many jammers go to such as julian2's den or wootmoo's den, there dens are always, like ALWAYS full, I can never get into their den!
Here are some examples of epic dens though they are all crowded but epic dens don't have to be crowded!

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