Friday, April 15, 2016

Animal Jam Beard

Hey jammers today, I am futuring the beta beard! This item is a BETA and was sold during beta testing for 80 gems. These are way rarer then the rare beard because the rare ones were released 2012. They come in nine different color and the rarest beard color is the orange one. Some argue that they may be worth more then a black long but, there rarity may have dropped, though I have never seen an orange beard on someones trade, even in Aldan which usually has the rarest jammers. There is to black ones, the one with the white ring around it is more rare then the one with the red ring. The least rare one is the pink beard. These are super rare items that are worth so much, depending on the jammers some say they are only worth small den betas, other say, they are worth more but, some ideas on what they are worth, here are two perspectives one what jammers would say they are worth:
Theory 1: 
  1. 4 founders
  2. 4 black long spike collars
  3. Beta eyeball hat
  4. Gazzelle horns
Theory 2:
  1. One small den beta 
  2. rare mech angel helmet
  3. Other beards



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hello i have MANY beards i will accept PREFERABLY 2 BLACK longs but i WILL accept just 1 or i WILL accept 4 PURPLE longs JAG me to OFFER im CUB124 have a fiery day!
