Non-Members Rock! So Don't Feel Bad if Your Not a Member

Hey guys I would like to say some things about non member! First of all I would like to say that just because your a non member doesn't mean you don't rock because members are only upgraded versions of non members! you can still have very cool items that I think looks a lot nice then member only items! :) You can still have lots of fun walking around as a non member and to tell you the truth after awhile o being a member you realize that the game is actually more interesting as a non member. I was actually kind of disappointed of what I got for my membership but that doesn't mean I don't want to be one. I mean I like it as a member but I thought you would get more out of it.
There are many things I don't understand about why AJHQ made it so that you have to have membership for, so I totally feel you if you feel left out or the same way as I felt because I was a non member before, for about eight months and the truth is basically everyone has been a non member before even if they were one for a few minutes, they were still a non member so they should respect them more because I haven't seen as much respect as I thought towards them.
#1. If they have pets available to all jammers such as being able to have a hamster and kangaroo from AJ jump or the diamond shop. Then why do you have to be a member to dress it up?, and why do you have to be a member to take it to the pet washing stations? I mean seriously if they're going to have pets available to everyone then why not make it so that everyone can dress it up and wash it? It doesn't sound right if you think about right? It should be a privilege to everyone!
#2. Rare item Monday is a cool and the best way to collect little cute rares. Unfortunately most of the rare item Mondays are for members only! Which is totally unfair and kind of like teasing non members such as if someone was to go in your face saying na na na na boo boo we get rare while you get bad store bought items. Well it doesn't really make since to have this event if it isn't always available to everyone. It should be a fun event that all jammers can walk out with a rare on Monday. I was very frustrated with this concept when I was a non member. So I understand how frustrating that is for you if your a non member.
#3. Why non members couldn't change their color was a very big disappointment to me when I was a non member. I mean realistically this just sounded bad and unfair because think about it would be like if someone was to say that you would only have one option for color and if you don't like it to bad. I was very upset and I just wanted to have all these cool colors in my den and what I'm wearing but instead I have to wear dullness and put dullness in my den. I mean if they're going to have colors it should be able to have the price of everyone being able to change it to the color they like/like the best. I mean whats the point of having these items if everyone can't change it. Now I believe everyone can change it thank you so much AJHQ for changing that!
#3. I noticed somethings about members which I'm not saying all of them do this but, I kind of feel like that many members forget how hard it is for non members to be able to play some of the games that require member pets, buy a lot of the stuff that members can, and be able to have bigger dens, etc. I feel like many of them just assume that oh it's a non member probably has bad items. Well not true I have seen many non members with lots of long collars and a great amount of den betas to. I feel like they also just ignore them or they find ways to look down on them such as I heard that some of them get teased for not having as much stuff or even their colors. Well like I said earlier non members can have very cool items and betas such as the tan carpet, wood floor, football, etc. They can wear cool stuff such as the rare nerd glasses, rare/regular worn, etc. So if your teased member or non member remember that every jammer is unique and that if you see someone being teased try to stand  up chances are people are going to remember that and respect you more. Even as a member I get made fun of such someone said on my jammer wall that ice skating sucks and someone sent me a jam a gram saying I have a bad den. These people think that it is cool to make fun of jammers but it is NOT cool.