Types of Scams (The Scammers Secret)

Hey guys cooljammer here! As you may notice as an animal jam jammer you are already at a high risk of getting scammed by other jammers and there are many types of scams that are obvious and not so obvious because unfortunately life is filled with many mean spirited people who do things like that. Though the nice thing about scams is that they teach you how to recognize these scams for when you enter the real world, where people will try to scam the same way as they do on AJ, but they'll likely want your money instead of rares and beta. Here are some scams to watch out for and avoid

  1. Fake friendships- This is probably one of the most hardest scams to recognize sometimes, so you have to extremely careful on who you choose to be your buddy. Which my tip is to help avoid these scams is to turn off your buddy requests so that people will not be able to buddy you.  Another tip is to only let the people you know face to face who you trust be your buddy such as friends from school. Though just because they may seem friendly at school and on AJ doesn't mean they have a secret plan to sabotage you. So some scams that are totally fake friendship is where they will buddy you then they will say hey can I borrow your rare bow an arrows, you can trust me I'm your friend. Well of course you want to help your friend but this random jammer may be just trying to steal your item. The next step if you give the person will say oh thanks and say oops gtg, give it back to you tomorrow, leave and remove you from their buddy list. Then they'll never give back the item
  2. The awkward pillow scam- Ok, this one is the weirdest scam I ever heard, I also never seen it, but I heard about a few times. So how the scam is work is they say something come to my den to trade. They will have a good item on trade, and they'll make you just keep clicking on the pillow and it doesn't have to be a pillow it can be any item. So then while your doing that they put something bad on trade and they'll offer you a bad store bought item for one of your good item and move to where your still clicking that item where the accept button is. Then you'll realize that they did the trade. There also likely to lock you out after.
  3. Fake glitch- This would be a targeted scam for a person who likes glitches so be careful for this scam if your one of those people. How the scam basically works is they say hey you want see a cool glitch, then you say sure! They then say ok for this glitch to work I need your rare worn, rare nerd and I'll give you the items back when I'm done. if you do give them there item they'll just take it and leave in a flash before you can report them.
  4. Trust trades- Ok, this is the most common one I see I've seen so many and I have actually attended some of them my first times on AJ I never knew much, I didn't think you could get scammed so I fell for a trust trade three times since there are so many ways people do it. So now I learned how to avoid these though sometimes there still not obvious. But, how the scam basically works is where they show an items such as a spike and says huge giveaway my den or something like that. Then a bunch of people show up and the person hosting the scam will show up when he/she thinks they have enough people. They'll something like ok who ever trades me with the best item or gifts me the best item will win the spike but quickly put a bad item on trade like a pillow from the den shop. Next once someone has given an equal trade to the spike or whatever item or a better trade then they'll just leave or lock you out. Sometimes they may say oh you'll get your stuff back after and have back up scammers/friends that win the contest so it doesn't look like a scam. That happened  to me I thought it was an honest jammer because people got rare longs and was probably their friends/back up scammers. Also no one got their items back except maybe the friends.
  5. Gift me my Birthday- Ok, People do this all the time on animal jam for example when ever I go to Jammaa jammers send me jam a grams that say gift me my birthday. Yet, sometimes I just give them the worst un beta item and use them as my trash can. It may be their birthday but  I bet 90% of people just say that or something simalar when it's really not.
  6. Trade me I never except- I saw this scam a few times around Jammaa and is a total scam so don't do it if you see someone say that. How the scam is design is where jammers say trade me I always decline or I never accept. Something like that so, then of course you want you want try but if you trade them something good or something they like they'll accept it and run. Then your item is gone for good.
  7. The code scam- This scam is most likely to be targeted for non members since they don't have membership. So then how the scam basically works is that they'll say send me an item and I will give you a code. Don't do this because not only you won't received the code,  but I watched youtube videos that if receive a random jammer then somehow people can hack you and transfer your account to theirs. But anyways they could also say specifically an item they want, or they say heres a free code when they just make up some random code up. Then they would say oops thats only half send me this or that for the other half. If you do this your item will be gone forever and the person will leave or give you a fake code.
  8. The gift for gift- People will say something like send me this and I will send you this. I you do this then they'll just take your item and make a run for it. Another way someone does this scam is say gift me I send back awesome prizes. Of course it makes you feel like you want to get the item so you go ahead and gift them. So they either don't give you the item or they send back store bought items.
  9. Best item wins this- This scam I see quite often. This happens when a jammer says send me the best item you got! Who ever wins get the rarest rare or something like that. Then people do it and the person doing the scam will leave or send you a bad store bought item. 

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