How to Participate in My New Animal Jam Research Questions!

Hey jammers iceskating112 here! I have decided to research the average age and how long people have been playing for as a new question. I was interested in this because I thought it would be able to make an interesting you tube video, it would be interesting to see what kind of game animal jam targets for ages, and I just wanted to know if the longer you played the more rare you get! So, please feel free to participate! The more participants the better results! If you would like to participate then comment below

  1. Your age (Be honest)
  2. How long you have been playing AJ( Be honest)
  3. How rare of a jammer you are ( Such as very lots of headdresses, spikes, and den/other clothing betas, Medium rare, Some Spike collars, a few den betas, maybe one or two headdresses, Not so rare, no beta, or very little beta, lots of store bought items today in Jammaa
If you would like that to be private then try send me the jam a gram with that info to iceskating112!
Thank you and hope you decide to participate!

1 comment:

  1. 10, 3 years, i have lots of rares and plushies, im poor and a lil of betas.
