Friday, June 24, 2016

Updates+My Channel is Gone?

Hello jammers and welcome back to another post, so today I am going to be posting about some updates, so as you may have noticed animal jam has created a new room for jammers! This takes place in coral canyons just below the sky high game. Also Spikes are now available to all members just for 3 diamonds!
All right now for the bad news well at least for me. Maybe should have done the bad news first, but anyway if you have noticed, on my youtube at iceskating112 AJ all videos are gone, well I have to say my parents told me take down all the videos I have made and that maybe I can start with there approval first. If you are subscribed don't unsubscribe yet please because I hope to come back to youtube with even better quality videos, and more videos not just animal jam and magic trick shows. Anyway happy jamming! P.S sorry for no posts in the past either, it's summer which means I always start falling behind on AJ, also summer school and other plans after take up the day. 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Rare Item Monday

Hello Jammers and welcome back to another post, sorry I have not posted in a few days, some things kept me away from animal jam and this blog. Anyway today is Monday which means there is a new rare item Monday. Todays rare Monday is a rare candle hat! This item is a purple and pink item, honestly this item was kind of a pretty bad item, like who would wear a candle on the head?

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Pigs are Here

Hey jammers me here iceskating112 and today I am back with another update, today animal jam has added pigs, or at least in the last couple days I have not been on. In this update they are five diamonds, non member, and is perfect animal to get for anybody especially because it is cheep and cute. The pig update is like a legit update that animal jam has added and I am super happy they made it non member, its nice to see the non members smile and glad to finally get another option of animals and I think animal jam should defiantly keep making new non member animals and maybe make at least the first whole entire row available for all. Anyway here is what the look like:

Exploring Playwild App

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

What Makes a Good Jammer

Hey guys, today I am going to talk about what makes a great jammer, this is all my opinion, but, these are things that I value in jammers, and what makes people on animal jam fun to be around. This is also a post about me to get to know a little more abut me. Anyway without further a due lets get started.
What I value in many from jammers is not how there rare they are, not how popular and how many subscribers they have on youtube, or not how legit they look. I value much more then that, to me these are things that I would want in a jammer that makes them so special, I really dont care or look at people by their popularity or by rares, because the truth is I would rather be friends with an honest, caring heart, that can be totally un rare and for all I care just have necklaces and pillows, then be friends with some fake friend who happens to be a big scammer, but may have like twenty magenta furrys another ten beta hoods, etc.
I value jammers who are great to other people are able to stand up to scammers and bullies, they are polite, and easy to talk to about anything, someone who never judges you, and someone who is overall a kind person, that is someone I want on my buddy list, rareness in jammers mean nothing to me.
On the other hand someone can ruin my days on animal jam who brag how rare they are by saying ha you only have two spikes, well I have a hundred, next thing I know they go out of their way to scam someone else's rares, dipping into their bucket, and someone who happens to be some fake friend to others and I by acting all nice but truly hates me. I would hate to wake up in the morning and have to deal with some these people, and go to bed thinking of these people.
So anyway just be the good jammer, if you are jammer who enjoys the game, is friendly then you are truly valuable and many jammers will like you better, if they just look for rare jammers who have 12 black longs on trade then they are not very good people who probably think rares, rares, my life has to have rares in it, those kinds of people are not very fun to be around, so pick the good jammer know matter how rare you are!

Why I Lock my Den

Hey jammers me here, have not been on animal jam for awhile now, so sorry no rare item Monday post yesterday, I am quite busy with summer school at my new school, so that takes up half of the day already, then the other half relies on my other two sisters, and my parents, so anyway I am going to give you some of the top reasons why I lock my den

  1. I lock my den to keep scammers from coming in, a couple times people have come to my den to either attempt to scam me or have actually scammed me, I really don't want to have to deal with more scammers in the future at my den, that is one of the biggest reasons why I lock my den. Such as the old scammer you heard of Musab2004 randomly came in and scammed me.
  2. I keep this from people who like to be adapted, I lock people my den to keep these kinds of people from begging me to be adapted, them getting mad if I say no, so the simple solution is just to not let them in my den in the first place.
  3. Another reason why I lock my den is to keep random people who start inviting other people and just hanging in there doing random stuff, this is annoying at times because some people just happen to chat about random things, do role play, do other weird stuff in my den, ask if they can have my stuff in the den, or even stuff I am wearing on animal jam and I really don't want to deal with those kind of people. 
  4. This keeps people from leaving as soon as I get there, some people go to my den, then as soon as I arrive they leave and it's annoying and an awkward moment in animal jam. Also I hate when people are in your den and you can't find them! So it's just easier if you just avoid that for good.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Getting Play Wild

Hey jammers just got the play wild app! So now I will be able to play animal jam more maybe, sorry have not posted in awhile, personal reasons kept me away, so buddy me iceskating112, and hope to see you on, It may not work because when I logged in it was new jammer although it may have changed because I have not played on the app in four days so yeah jam on, hope to get some uploads on my youtube this summer so check out my channel Iceskating112 AJ, Bye jammers!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Animal Jam Spiked Collar & Wristband Giveaway 2016 (OPEN)

Weird Animal Pattern Glitch

Hey jammers me here and today I am back with a new post on some weird pattern glitch, so apparently some patterns randomly can make ur animal look speckled or pixilated, such as the goat below, not sure if you have to redo that pattern but I believe when the pattern was the swirls one and now I will have to fix that later! Anyway such a random post but comment below or on google pus if this happened to you to.