Monday, February 29, 2016

Differences of Being a Member Then a Non Member

Hey guys tonights post is about the differences of being a member compared to a non member!
So fist one big difference in my opinion is that I think it's more competitive when your a member on who can be the rarest and who can get the most beta because once you have membership you can basically have any item in your den, wear the items, which make you look rarer if you have rare items. Also another reason may because more people trade members since they think they're rare when actually I have seen rarer non members.
Another difference is that after awhile of membership you kind of start to think the game is actually more interesting as a non members in particular seem to busy trying to become rare since since they do not have as much access to things as much as members that make the game more fun and interesting because I noticed that being the rarest jammer is quite competitive especially for members.
Another difference you are very packed with many things you can have such as lots and lots of dens that are more spacious and lots of animals. I believe you can have up to 32 animals as a member. I also notice that as a member you also are more likely to spend your gems because lots of new things come out or you try and get things before the items leave such as when it had that ten days left sign.
One big difference is after awhile you forget what it is like to be a non member, even I start to forget. For example I forget that they can't dress up their pets, they can't buy as many items, they also can't have bigger dens. So sometimes I'm like why are all the non member dens small house or sunken ship? Or I am like why didn't they get the rare item Monday. That I think can actually cause bullying and is part of the reason why I hear that some non members were looked down by a member well member or non member people shouldn't do things like that. But, we hear stories like that because so many people are used to membership and having the feeling like they can have everything causes them to see someone who can't and say oh your a non member your not cool. Well that's not cool but, non member or member everyone is unique, and is a cool jammer in their own way. And that's what people forget.
Another difference is that if you have a non member friend then it makes it harder to do adventures together or talk since they don't have free chat and are unable to write their own jam a gram. Which is really frustrating at times. So I really think free write jam a grams should be a all jammer aloud thing.
So, yeah that's basically the differences! More coming soon.......

My Memories of Being a Non-Member

Hey guys iceskating112 here! Like every jammer everyone was once a non member even if you were one for 30 sec you were still a non member one! What are your memories of being a non member? Well here are some of mine of being a non member!
Well first of all like many non members I really wanted an animal Jam membership and really wanted the arctic wolf and eagle in particular. Sound familier?
Next I always used to look up to members. When ever I saw members I use to be like oh wow they get so much stuff, they're so rare, they have such nice name tags, so many animals, and when I heard from my friend that you get weekly diamonds I was like so surprised and so like wow that's so cool.
I also used to love to collect plushies and try to trade them all away for unfair trades even though I knew it was unfair. I also used to like to have a den of plushies.
As a non member I enjoyed going to random dens that were members and used to be so amazed and kind of jealous to. So I would frequently say nice den you have so much space and so much stuff. I liked looking for those claw machines to collect those plushies.
I also went to many parties and try to trade as many items as I could to people which everyone declined my trades.
Some things I remember is I was always so annoyed that like 90% of the rares on rare item Monday were for members only and I was also so annoyed that you could only have up to two animals, you couldn't dress your pet or take it to the pet wash, you couldn't play the pet games either. I also was getting annoyed that the dens were tiny and that I couldn't defeat the phantom king in the adventures. I also was sad I couldn't go on the eagle adventure either. So that was basically my life as a non member!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Why NOT to Scam on Animal Jam+ Win Good Rare of Mine

Cooljammer is back with reasons why not to become a scammer on Animal Jam! Before we get started I have to quick things to say about scamming and one is a rare giveaway! Of, course you may be like giveaway totally a scam and hypocritical cooljammer! Well I decided to to have this giveaway because I want to encourage jammers to be able to speak up and tell if they have been scammed or if they have tried to scam someone, now that can be hard to admit that you were a scammer but, thats totally ok because everyone feels guilt and scammers today will eventually realize how wrong they were. But the most important part of being a scammer then quitting for good is that you learn from your mistakes. Then you'll have to go back and fix that and hopefully jammers will forgive you. This giveaway is suppose to help bring the spirit of animal jam to those who are losing faith of them selves, or people who just need to get rarer, and for fun. My goal is to help avoid more scammers and to help people stop scamming so here are the rules.
Rules are very simple

  1. Answer the question by commenting below Have you ever been scammed? and if so what was scammed? and, have you ever tried to scam someone? if so what did you try to scam? *Bonus* add their username. Be sure to include your username to if you would like be shared privately send me a jam a gram to my user iceskating112 saying something about the giveaway and your user you go by on blogger.
  2.  The person with the best answer wins a surprise rare! Submit your answer by Thursday March 3! Winners will be announced through a post on this blog Friday March 4 or Saturday March 5
Anyways there are many reasons why not to scam and here are the main ones

  1. You should not scam because just because you may be jealous that there is some jammer wearing a light pink headdress and a black long spike collar and wrist band and has like 12 black longs on trade with a den that consists of all 2010 den betas doesn't mean you should try to take their items and ruin the fun for that person
  2. When you scam someone and you actually got what you want you kind of feel like a little guilty and a little bit bad because you know it's not the right thing to do. Also when you scam and go the item it actually damages your confidence and makes AJ less fun for you. 
  3. People on AJ will give you a new reputation of being called a "Scammer." On Youtube they'll be like OMG have you heard of this new scammer her/his username is gymnast1952 and this person scammed every time they go on. Note: that was just an example gymnast1952 is not a scammer in fact it's my other account
  4. People, it really just not right!!!!!Think about if your a scammer put your self in the target how would you feel if you lost your best item such as your black long or rare party hat. Would you feel very sad and unsafe and animal jam is suppose to be a fun game and safe game. 
  5. You will be constantly be reported by players or people will contact ajhq by emailing them and ajhq will block you for a few days or a week and eventually if you get reported enough they can possibly delete your account and making a new one going through the scamming cycle isn't going to fix anything. 
  6. Karma is very powerful thing. Karma happens anytime in your life so if you do bad things such as say mean things, scam bad things that will happen to you in the future such as worst situations in the real word such as someone scamming all your money but if you do great things great things will come your way. Think about it as a mirror they reflect what you look like, Karma reflects who you are in the inside and will have good or bad effects depending on how you run your life
Overall scamming is a very nasty thing to do

A New Scam on Animal Jam?

Hey guys cooljammer here! Bad news, yesterday I think I found out a new scam on AJ that I never seen before and I've been playing animal jam for about a year and a half now! Not a true, not a gift me I gift you well kind of a mix of both.
The scammer:
Ok, so what happened is that this jammer said giveaway my den and so of course like the usual everyone goes and says things like I call the black long, I call the headdress, I call the orange long, etc. About twenty people showed up and soon enough the person who was hosting the giveaway comes running along telling how he/she is getting to old for AJ and is going to collage. Then this jammer says there are "rules." Of, course people get excited and says ok, I believe in rules.
The rules were basically no negative comments and the object was to gift there best to win the spikes or the headdress, and there are 12 rounds, you get the all items back after. Yes this jammer seemed very honest and acted honest because two people received spikes from this person orange long, yellow long collar. they were of course very excited when they heard they won and someone later did tie breakers and won there spike wristband.
So this is wear I very messed up. I thought well since these jammers got the items well this jammer must be not scamming so I decided to join the contest, of course, I never won because I was never a rare jammer so I gifted the rare claw, rare curly wig, dingo drums, and a fountain thats beta. by the third round there was a major tie breaker people constantly gave everything they owned except there out fit just to get the item they wanted.
Well this is another fall down after awhile everyone said I'm running out of my good items so then this jammer was like I'm sure you all can win! People were asking for their items back. Well guess what two minutes later everyone was locked out including the people who the spikes. He/she never gave back the items not even sure the people who won got theirs back.
So I asked my friend what she thought and she said that maybe the people she/he gifted was the jammers own accounts or their friends from school since only like four out of twenty people got items and no one got items back. So I thought again about this situation that though everyone was locked out including the winners that she/he must have un buddied them and re buddied them later. Which means this jammer could have used her friends as her back up scammers and have been lying about growing old for AJ and going to collage.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

How to Keep a Member Animal When You Turn Back Into a NM

Hey guys have you ever seen some non members walk around Jammaa with an animal such as the arctic wolf or the fox, etc.? Well I definitely have though it's not common but the steps for it is quite simple! Anyways one day I was looking up youtube videos on how to become a member animal for when your membership expires! Note: That this may not or may be still working.
Ok, now heres what to do step by step! Good Luck, and hopefully this glitch still works!
You can be this!

  1. Buy a membership to animal jam for at least 29 days
  2. fill up all the slots with member only animals except one which has to be the turtle for reasons I'm not sure, but probably because it's a sea only animal. 
  3. Pick an animal you wish to play as the day before your membership expires
  4. Log on the next day and you'll have a renew now click next and it will say choose
  5. The next thing that will pop up it will basically say oops have no slots recycle one and buy a new animal which make sure to have under five hundred gems in order for it to work. 
  6. Reload the page and poof! You should be a member animal as a non member
Thank so much hope this helps and so sorry if this doesn't work, but there have been some proofs that it does so it should still be an active glitch. Anyways see you in my next post! Bye!

Animal Jam Goats are Here!

Hey guys guess what goats have arrived! So excited to getting one after the falcons come out! They're so cute see:
So anyways some features awesome that come with the new goat is that it comes with a trampoline when you use the hop I believe...or it could dance or play as your action, another feature is that they look pretty much good in most clothing, and you can buy horns for the goat at clothing shop.
The trampoline action:
Unfortunately the goats are locked away from non members but for many members I figure that most jammers have to wait till they reach 1o diamonds because you only get one diamond a week.
Overall there super cute and I highly suggest getting one the trampoline is my favorite part on what they can do. I love how jammers can dress them up in most clothes and they look great!
Thanks for reading can't wait for the falcons to come! 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Get From Level Seven to Level Eight Super Fast and Easy!

Hey guys so I just leveled up my lynx from level seven to level eight two days ago and it only took me two hours! Yes only two hours! So anyway if your so tired of spending a few weeks leveling it up from just that you've come to the right place! First of all from getting to level eight from seven when you get super close like the bar is like a 16th of an inch I had to do 3/4 of phantom portal again so don't be worried of it didn't level you up at courage +5 on the first thing you do.
Anyway my first trick is.....

  1. Do all the adventures starting from the return of the phantoms to the last land adventure on the list. I suggest to do the phantom portal hard mode and try to get as much extra stuff as possible such as killing more phantoms that you don't really need to. I also highly suggest do the search for greeley and greeley's inferno because that gives you the most courage!
  2. Always do extra things! Do things such as killing extra phantoms or getting rid of phantom webs, etc. Or such as the hive try and get those webs and make an effort to find those chests. Also make sure to water as many crops and chomper plants that will make it easier to get the courage and the phantoms. I promise if you do all these things then you'll get lots of courage and you make the place look nicer.
  3. Try to do things quickly and efficiently because if you look at the level bar you'll notice that the bar shrinks if you don't move quickly. So you want to try to move as quick as possible so the you can keep all the courage and gain more. But, don't rush so much either because that can slow it down such you'll constantly die and die and then all the courage will just subtract. 
So I promise if you do all of those things you'll level up in a heart beat then to level nine, ten, elven, etc. Thank so much for reading hope this helps you in your adventures! Happy jamming!

Cute Animal Jam GIFS!

New Animal Jam Name Tag Update?

Hey guys if you have noticed when playing animal jam they've changed the look on the name tags such as the level when it shows and even the coloring. They've also changed it that not all non members have that yellow paw on the right hand side. They also made it so that you can switch to your user name or animal name pretty interesting huh? Well that update was a few months ago but the new name tag look was actually on Friday February 19th I believe!  What do you think of the tags? Feel free to comment below! 
Look at the difference:

and New
Old name tags which in my opinion I liked better because some of the colors looked more cleaner. Difference: 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What's It's Like When You First Purchase Membership For AJ

When I first got my membership I was so excited! It was like a whole other game in a good way because everything was so different that it takes a while to get use to. It  also felt a little weird being able to access more things in the game. In my opinion I felt like I was playing on someone else's account on my first week or two. I loved getting the weekly Tuesday diamonds yet, I wasted all of them as a I was just so interested in buying all of these items. I was so amazed and a little creeped on all the dens and animals you could get it was like an endless list that that it felt as big as our universe.
And oh my god all the items you could get was just remarkable and felt like a pot of gold. I had more fun socializing with my other member friends and even my non member ones.  I also had to get use to being able to gift, receive gifts, and most of all that you could right your own jam a gram, and you get free chat instead of the chat where you couldn't even right kk but, I thought that was super handy and made me very happy. Also in adventures like lucky clovers, and the Easter one I loved being able to open the members chest which had better prizes.
The adventures were a blast I kind of got tired of the non member adventures. So I was so happy to see new challenges such as dealing with phantom lasers, phantom kings more phantoms and longer adventures. I loved the part in the search for greeley that you can disguise your self as a phantom. Not only that but it made it easier to level up your animal. In adventures you could open up more pathways such as the arctic wolf, foxes, elephants, etc. where you could collect gems or prizes on the chest.
I really enjoyed how you could customize your name tag and choose if you want to show your level or not. I just liked the look of the member; fancy name tag, nice key in the corner, nice animals, and pets. For pets I enjoyed taking them to the pet stop.
Once you get use to it though sadly the excitement dies down because it feels like less. For example as a non member your like wow members get so much but, after you have membership for awhile it starts to feel like they have less and less when they probably don't. You also start to to forget what being a non member is like. For example I went on my non member account gymnast1952 and I'm just like wow non members don't have this? I thought they did.

What It's Like With Four Hearts In Animal Jam

Hey guys super excited! I just made it to level eight yesterday for my otter right before I went to bed and finally got my fourth heart. Even more excitement it's super helpful for adventures if your a land and ocean animal because let's say you want to get an adventure done with no dying and you have four hearts; you've lost three you still have life fair amount of that heart left if your doing an easy adventure like the return of the phantoms or the phantom portal. I literally tried return of the phantoms and the phantom portal and I didn't even die once when usually I am close to dead or I die once so that is a huge plus in my opinion. It's no so helpful in forgotten desert since you can't die in that adventure but it always looks cool to see a flying creature with an eight or higher. I have to say it also takes longer for the birds since it doesn't give you as much courage. Overall the feeling is mostly helpful and accomplishing. I went around Jammaa showing off my new adventure level and wanted to to do more adventures since you get a diamond shape at level 10  and I think I can do that in two weeks if not an extra half but so yeah that's what it feels like.  One more thing I have the same level, same name but, different name. Pretty weird huh?
Before I rap this up I just wanted to say it takes a lot of adventures to level up from 7 to an 8 because I spent two straight hours doing the following adventures:

  1. phantom portal
  2. meet cosmo?
  3. the hive
  4. search for greeley
  5. the great escape
  6. 1/16 of greeley's inferno (hard)
  7. Regular mode greeley's inferno
  8. 3/4 of phantom portal
So, I highly suggest you try to get your animals to level eight and higher so you can keep gaining those hearts because there a huge life saver.

Monday, February 15, 2016

What Most Jammers Did WhenThey First Started Animal Jam

Ok, I still remember the time when I first started AJ back in September 2014 and what I did as a new jammer. I also notices that new jammers do the same today.
1. Trade bad items for rares/betas. I did this a lot when I first started and always got declined every time. I would see something like rare spike and add a pillow, butterfly wings, plushies etc. Yes I was frustrated with the people but after a while I realized that those trades were unfair. So if this is you now don't worry because your still learning your betas, rares, and how to trade fairly. Everyone who played AJ probably went through this as well.
2. Collect Plushies then trade them all. As new jammer I loved just going to dens or the Sol Arcade to collect plushies and just attempt to trade them for rares that looked cool. Then I would just be running around saying that they were beta and that trade was fair.
3. If you had a good item and you didn't know it was beta and you accepted it for bad items. I don't remember this happening to me but I heard it happened to other people such as I watched you tube videos about that. But, I defiantly recommend if your a new jammer in particular being careful and know your store bought items because people will try to trick you by giving you those items.
4. Go to random jammer's dens. I used to do this a lot because I was new and didn't know the game well. So I would click on a jammer and visit their den and see if they had claws to collect plushies. Then I would probably annoy certain jammers get locked out.
5. Go around Jammaa saying wow everyone so rare. I use to think everyone with lots of fancy looking clothes were considered rare because I didn't know about the clothing shops or like epic wonders, etc. So I would be like how do you get so rare or wow your so rare.  I thought I never would be having those type of clothes so I always looked up to those people.

What It's Like Turning Back Into a Non Member In AJ

Hey guys today is a post on what it's like to turn back into a non member. So first of all everybody becomes a non member after their member ship expires but what is it like? Well I had this account called kailuaboy and so that member ship expired about a year ago and was kind of sad to see many things blocked off such as my animals, my dens, my cloths, etc. I lost the ability to get weekly diamonds, your unable to buy the things you wanted to buy, plus you won't be able to buy all the new animals that AJ puts in. Plus you'll no longer see this on your self you'll see:
Also the first thing you see is that all your member only items are took out of your den and off your animal. Then if you look in your inventory you'll notice that is has a lock on it and it will be faded in way. Although the nice thing is if you click on the animals tab then people can see all the member animals you had before. Plus the pets that you use to be able to take to the pet stop still stay on your pet but it has to be the kangaroo, the hamster, bee, etc. Yes you'll be sad to be unable to wear or have certain items. So I decided to show pictures of the account that expired. Here are some:
Blocked Animals

Blocked Dens

Blocked Member Items

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Level Count Down and the Adventure Choice to Level Up!

Ok, first of all I found it pretty funny being able to count down your levels! Here are my recent levels from level eight-five!
Now that my highest level is level eight it gave me an understanding on how hard each level is to get out of. Obviously it will gradually get harder as you level up all the way from zero and above. As you level up you may notice that eventually you'll gain more hearts such as you start with three then you can go to four, five, six, etc. Sadly it takes so much work you need so much courage and you'll need to repetitively do the adventures to get those hearts. From my experiences hers how hard each level is:
No Level: Getting out of no level is the easiest; all you'll need to do is camp training grounds which I believe now it just automatically a level one animal when you get a new one at least for members. Anyways for that one you learn how to handle phantoms and you learn how to work other things as well, such as chomper plants, grass, and in meet Cosmo you learn how to use boom seeds. 
Level One: This level is basically as easy but all you'll need to do is return of the phantoms easy level and it should level you up to level you up. If not that's ok just try camp training grounds and this time it should really level you up. In return of the phantoms you start with very few phantoms and try to trap them in the chomper plants.Then you try to find keys to free the trap bunnies.  They put bunches of grass. Plus there are four treasure chests filled with gems in this adventure so make sure to find them. 
Level two: For this level you'll need to complete the phantom portal and you may need camp training grounds. For the phantom portal try to kill as many phantoms as you can even though there may be extra random ones floating around. This way you can get as much courage as possible and level up sooner. In this adventure you want to find four corks I believe to get the water back to the land. FYI the chomper plants are dead. Once you get that done you'll need to go to the well and water the chomper plants as quick as possible and trap the phantoms. Once you get a fair amount a key will pop up and tell you to open the phantom door you'll need to do the same on the others side and collect keys to free trapped monkeys. Then you'll hop on the Mira gate and asked to find three crystals.
Level Three: I like to do the hive after which is a members only adventure so for non members I would do meet Cosmo. If you decide to do meet Cosmo you may need to do return of the phantoms again or phantom portal. For the hive you'll be asked to find four lava crystals then will face the phantom king the phantom king is quite easy if you know the trick. Well the trick is when ever he duplicates phantoms wait till they all clump together and quickly use the boom seeds to kill them before the drift. Another trick is to keep making the phantom king try and smash you but get out of the way before he actually does. This way you can get the job done quickly and efficiently. You may need to do return of the phantoms again to. 
Level Four: For this one I did The Great Escape+ The Search for greeley. These adventures just give you enough courage for you to level up. The main event for search for greeley is defeating phantoms and killing two phantom kings. For great escape is exploring a tower doing random things that involve many things in adventures. 
Level Five: I did greeley inferno which is basically just exploring a big volcano and destroying phantoms and a phantom king. I think I also had to throw in the return of the phantoms to and maybe the The great escape to. 
Thank you for reading hoped this helped. 

Animal Jam Glitches

When you can't get out of an adventure
The phantom pipe doesn't get rid of it's self all the way
When you try enter another room but it won't let you in
Fun glitch when switching your animal in front of the building
When you switch animals and it runs/flies in a direction
when you switch animals and it runs on it's own in a direction
When you take an adventure item with you

Monday, February 8, 2016

Animal Jam: Things People Do That Annoy Me!!!!!!!!

Hi guys It's Cooljammer! Today I'm posting about Animal jam: things people that do that annoy me. There are many things I like about animal jam but, there are many things I don't like about AJ. Here are some fast examples and explanations on what annoy me and why.
Beg for Items- This happens when people see something on trade or not on trade and the say please, please...... can I have this item. This annoys me because one they follow you around and they don't stop unless you leave or give them the item and Two it's also kind of rude and makes people less willing to give you the item.
When people say they overtraded you for a bad store bought Item- This happens when they trade me like a pillow from the den shop and try for  a spike or some other beta. I decline there trade and they get angry and say they overtraded you. This annoys me because this shows a dishonest person who only cares about the items and looking rare rather then the fun in AJ. But this also relates in life because no one wants to be around cheaters and dishonest people.
*When people say my den if you like me- This happens in Jamaa township quite often. This annoys me because what they express is they don't care about anything but likes. It's kind of like social Media people who spend so much time don't stop and think "What are my Values?" They go with the crowds and like what the trend is also it's like "how can I like you when I don't even know you?"
When people ask to trade then wants to trade back one minute later- This happens when someone asks to trade, you say yes, they trade you, and you accept. Then they comeback a minute later and say I want to trade back.... This annoys because what this show is that they just want to waste your time and others peoples time and forgetting that not everybody can play long or even play all.
When People follow you around- This happens whens someone just stokes you. This annoys me because it makes me feel like there trying to annoy you on purpose and make you feel uncomfortable.
*When People ask to be adopted- This happens mostly in the pillow room they just sit there and beg to be adopted. If you say no they act all sad. This annoys me because it shows they don't care what you want they want you to do what they want this ties in when people act all sad.
*People who leave as soon as an adventure starts, or leave without you- This happens mostly in the eagle adventure. As soon as it starts you see everybody leave. This annoys me because it makes me feel like there time wasters and wants me to start over.
Scammers- People who just take your items. This really annoys me because they think it's all right when it really hurts other people. Some people may do it because it's funny but if you think about how will it feel if you get scammed. It's not funny it's torture!

Animal Jam: How To Never Get Scammed!!!!

Hey guys! If you want to know how to never get scammed on AJ you've found the right place! Heres how!
1. Never fall for trust trades (trues) People will show an awesome item on there trade list like, a spike. But heres where there trick comes. They will ask people to trade them but, before people start trading the person will take off the item and put a bad store bought item. Next the person will say trade equal to the spike and I will gift you the spike. Well not true they will just take your items and leave trust me I've seen that scam to many times and jammers lose interest in playing.
2. Never do gift for gift  People will say gift me your best Item and I will give you the beta item in AJ. Well they may have the most beta item but what there really trying to get is a good item for free like a headdress. People fall for this trick a lot well, at least new jammers. They end up giving a valuable item with nothing in return.
3. Never do things people ask you for an item they offer  People will want to you to gift them your outfit trade list or whatever.. but they offer you this deals that sounds fair but really isn't because one time this jammer said if you you do this like gift me your spike your friend will give you a spike. Well first of all total scam. This person didn't even no my friend and just was hoping for a spike well to bad for that person.
Thank you guys if you for listing and if you don't fall for these I promise you won't get scammed be careful people may find away to scam but if you know these basic ones you shouldn't get scammed because basically all scammers on aj work the same.

AJ Future Animals!



Animal Jam Fun Glitches

Adventure glitch phantom Pipe from Phantom Portal level one to level six one day currently level 6
I switched randomly to my eagle and it flew backward (hi coolgirl50391)
When you Switch animals in front of the room near overflow

Why You Should Become a Member of Animal Jam

Ok first I have to admit member ship to AJ is expensive it's six dollars for one month, thirty dollars for six months, and sixty dollars for twelve months. Other then the prices there are so many advantages of being a member here are some:
You can buy anything you'd like: Being a member means that all store items are available to buy of you have enough gems you may also check out the diamond shop in Jamaa where you can buy the coolest stuff and animals there. You can also get any den or animal. This give you the ability to make your den really big filled with some of the most awesome den items for member only. Also you can make your animals stand out with many clothing such as the members inly rare spike, headdress, etc.
You can have as many animals as you want. (I believe that 32 is the limit) Many options of animals to: As a member you get many options of animals

  1. arctic wolf
  2. fox 
  3. tiger
  4. bunny
  5. deer
  6. wolf
  7. lynx
  8. arctic fox 
  9. llama 
  10. otter
  11. polar bear
  12. leopard
  13. snow leopard
  14. lion
  15. elephant
  16. rhino 
  17. shark
  18. dolphin
  19. octopus
  20. turtle 
  21. owl 
  22. eagle.......
Many more to. This gives you the ability to access the store above the den shop were you have to be bird. You can do the birds only adventure which is members only. (Forgotten Desert)
There are so many adventures you can do: Of course as a non member you only can do up to the Cosmo one. That makes it a lot harder to level up. Think about you see many members with levels like 6,7,8 and above. Well that because there are more adventures that are longer and give you more courage to level up. Such as facing the phantom king gives you courage +200! That where the fun comes in. As a member an adventure is really fun you can defeat more phantoms and the phantom king. There also longer and more interesting. They're also much harder to which brings in the fun. Plus at level eight you get four hearts instead of three!
Weekly diamonds: Every Tuesday you receive one diamond in your mail that automatically pops up whenever you log on. This gives you the ability to buy more items in the den shop if you run out of diamonds etc.
You can customize you name tag and choose adventure level on/off: This is pretty cool because then you can become unique on your own way by changing your name tag. You have many color choices, many badges, and you can show off what level your at! This also kind of shows that your in the club to so every time you pass by a jammer then they'll know your in the club. Which I think is a good thing because then you won't have people asking you are you a member?
Those are the best part of being a member in my opinion. So I really think you should get membership; It will be awesome!

Animal Jam Photo Collection!

Thank you I'll update this ASAP with new levels, glitches, and rememberable moments!