Sunday, February 28, 2016

Why NOT to Scam on Animal Jam+ Win Good Rare of Mine

Cooljammer is back with reasons why not to become a scammer on Animal Jam! Before we get started I have to quick things to say about scamming and one is a rare giveaway! Of, course you may be like giveaway totally a scam and hypocritical cooljammer! Well I decided to to have this giveaway because I want to encourage jammers to be able to speak up and tell if they have been scammed or if they have tried to scam someone, now that can be hard to admit that you were a scammer but, thats totally ok because everyone feels guilt and scammers today will eventually realize how wrong they were. But the most important part of being a scammer then quitting for good is that you learn from your mistakes. Then you'll have to go back and fix that and hopefully jammers will forgive you. This giveaway is suppose to help bring the spirit of animal jam to those who are losing faith of them selves, or people who just need to get rarer, and for fun. My goal is to help avoid more scammers and to help people stop scamming so here are the rules.
Rules are very simple

  1. Answer the question by commenting below Have you ever been scammed? and if so what was scammed? and, have you ever tried to scam someone? if so what did you try to scam? *Bonus* add their username. Be sure to include your username to if you would like be shared privately send me a jam a gram to my user iceskating112 saying something about the giveaway and your user you go by on blogger.
  2.  The person with the best answer wins a surprise rare! Submit your answer by Thursday March 3! Winners will be announced through a post on this blog Friday March 4 or Saturday March 5
Anyways there are many reasons why not to scam and here are the main ones

  1. You should not scam because just because you may be jealous that there is some jammer wearing a light pink headdress and a black long spike collar and wrist band and has like 12 black longs on trade with a den that consists of all 2010 den betas doesn't mean you should try to take their items and ruin the fun for that person
  2. When you scam someone and you actually got what you want you kind of feel like a little guilty and a little bit bad because you know it's not the right thing to do. Also when you scam and go the item it actually damages your confidence and makes AJ less fun for you. 
  3. People on AJ will give you a new reputation of being called a "Scammer." On Youtube they'll be like OMG have you heard of this new scammer her/his username is gymnast1952 and this person scammed every time they go on. Note: that was just an example gymnast1952 is not a scammer in fact it's my other account
  4. People, it really just not right!!!!!Think about if your a scammer put your self in the target how would you feel if you lost your best item such as your black long or rare party hat. Would you feel very sad and unsafe and animal jam is suppose to be a fun game and safe game. 
  5. You will be constantly be reported by players or people will contact ajhq by emailing them and ajhq will block you for a few days or a week and eventually if you get reported enough they can possibly delete your account and making a new one going through the scamming cycle isn't going to fix anything. 
  6. Karma is very powerful thing. Karma happens anytime in your life so if you do bad things such as say mean things, scam bad things that will happen to you in the future such as worst situations in the real word such as someone scamming all your money but if you do great things great things will come your way. Think about it as a mirror they reflect what you look like, Karma reflects who you are in the inside and will have good or bad effects depending on how you run your life
Overall scamming is a very nasty thing to do

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