Sunday, April 10, 2016

Awkward Moments in Animal Jam

Everyone has awkward moments! Thats just a fact of life and things you daily in life count up to people making you feel awkward or even making your self feel awkward! On games awkward moments happen, animal jam is a good example. Some examples of these awkward moments would be the following:

  1. When people sen you jam a grams and you aren't quite sure how to respond. I have received many of these such as when people send you mean jam a grams or say things like I'm reporting you or you have bad den, something like that. I always found it awkward that I couldn't find a response to the jam a grams people sent me. 
  2. When someone yells at you that they are going to report you! These kind of jammers want power over you so they find ways to annoy or bother you and a pretty common way is when people say they will report you. They will report you for not adopting them in the pillow room, not accepting trades people will say I am reporting you.
  3. When someone goes to your den and leaves as soon as you get there. I have done that millions of times, sometimes I am curious who is in my den and they left as soon as it loaded. Sometimes I walk around saying hello anyone here even though I know they left for some reason.
  4. Unappreciative jammers! If you gift them something they want something else and gift you back the same item you just gifted. Sometimes they will say something like thx and send you back the item. This is a bit awkward especially for someone who gifts things to random jammers everyday. 

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