Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Non Member Swords

Hey jammers today is a common rare today, the non member swords! These items can be won in adventures like the return of the phantoms or at the top of sky high. Though sky high is super hard to get rares because they mostly give you bad store bought items. I have only gotten like a worn once long time ago before I knew they were beta so I kind of traded it for a bad item. Anyway since they are the most common rares when trading them you may need to add more. Because you can win them in sky high they may drop rareity but, they will still be rare. Things jammers use these as flashing they will flash people a lot with a non member sword and then replace it with a member thinking that you will accept it, so be carefull for that scam. They are not worth much but
Some items they are worth:

  1. 1 good den beta
  2. (depending on the jammer rare spike wrist or possibly a a bad short collar)

1 comment:

  1. i have tones jag me to offer i will accept a rlly good db or 2 medium rare or 3 not super rare or a yellow short collar since i rlly need yellow short colla jag me to OFFER im CUB124 have a fiery day!!
