Saturday, April 9, 2016

Most Commonly Worn Items in Animal Jam

Hey jammers today I would like to share some of the most common clothing jammers wear in Jammaa. Note that this is my opinion not based on other peoples votes. If you see something you disagree or something else you may comment below and I will try to see what I can do to about the comment. Anyway starting with the most common item of all!

  1. Spike collars- Spike collars are rare items that make great looks for many of the animals but the most common animal that the spike is worn on is on the arctic wolves!
  2. Headdresses- Headdresses are very wanted rares and is very high demand because of the looks  on the animals and its high rarity. Jammers do not easily give it up because of the reason so if you have one you are wearing a gold crown!
  3. Worns- Worns are super rare items that are commonly seen on jammers trades but has a high demand for the looks and the rarity. This item looks great especially on the wolves and arctic wolves!
  4. Top hats- Top hats are another rare item that come in many varieties. The most wanted is the black top hat because black is probably the rarest and matches with almost anything. This is a popular item on the eagles, wolves and arctic wolves. This item jammers may want three real den betas.
  5. Elf Bracelets- Elf bracelets are not obvious on many of the animals but this item is mostly used for the looks and not so much for the rarity since I believe you can obtain them in the horses only party or forgotten desert. 
Many of the items are mostly worn to show off the rarity in jammers because people who play animal jam try to wear as many rare items as possible to make them look more attractive. There are of course many other ones such as gazelle horns, spike bands, etc. Thank you so much for reading this don't forget to join this site on the side bar if you like this blog! Check back soon for more posts!

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