Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mech Angel Helmet

Hey jammers you may be wondering why I am posting about the mech angel helmet. Well the mech angel helmet is a very rare beta item and is quite wanted in animal jam. These were sold during the beta stage and left right before it ended. This item is worth quite a bit and come in 8 colors total.
There is a rare version which was a rare item Monday in 2013. This one is still pretty rare but is not as rare as the non rare.
There is also the freedom helmet which is not worth much because you can buy it at the freedom party.
Anyways back to the mech angel helmets....Some items they are worth:
  1. Rare long collar/wrist certain colors 
  2. Non rare headdress (Note that headdresses aren't as rare as many jammers think)
  3. Worns certain colors
  4. Beta testing den betas

Rare Nerd Glasses Overrated?

Hey jammers it is me iceskating112! I am here with some interesting things about rare nerds coming to a decision that maybe they could be over rated. Well first of all they are not that rare because it was released as a rare on Monday, August, 26, 2013. After the rare item Monday they had such a huge supple and demand that many jammers were willing to give up a lot of items that aren't even worth it. Though they have a high demand the truth is they doesn't really look that good on any animals besides the bunnies, the wolves, and the owl. It may be that jammers liked the look on the page, or it they wear glasses at home, or the y want to look smart online. I mean I own a pair but I don't particularly like them other then it is high demand

My New Look For The Next Few Weeks

Hey jammers I finally got the tan and pink mech angel helmet! Now with that I can finally have my new look I have always wanted. I decided to throw on my blue short wrist in honor of my friend puppylove580 who gifted it to me! Thank you to her. Now I will be walking around in this outfit:

News In Jamma

Jammaa news has arrived!
Pet Lemurs are here!
Falcon facts and they are coming soon

New updated trade part and now you can recycle more then one item at once!

The deers are on the move but, don't panic they will be back!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


How to Tell the Difference Between a Glitched Ring and a Normal

Hey jammers! As a jammer I would like to help avoids scams in items such as the glitched on trades when it may not be. One common one is when people say glitched ring on trade, though they may not be lying but, it is always important to be cautious because people can trick you. For example I thought someone had a beta tiara on trade so I traded them a rare royal cape and they accepted, well turns out that was a store bought one. Now first of all it is important to know there is two types of glitched rings.
The first one is the most obvious and is worth the most. I looks like:

The second one can be a little tricky. Now this one you have to look carefully. The normal one has lighter line colors like the picture below. The glitched one is the one with darker lines (Black ones)
Non glitched


10 Rarest Items in Animal Jam!

  1. Magenta furry hat!
  2. Beta arctic hood
  3. Glitched ring
  4. Pearly tiara
  5. Milky tiara
  6. Beta old blanket
  7. Certain reward plaques
  8. Rare Spikes
  9. non rare headdress

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Rare Headdresses Are NOT Beta!!

Hello jammers it is iceskating112 here with some very important news! First of all many people mistake the rare headdresses as this super rare beta item, but it is actually really not that beta and is not worth much. Some reasons why the rare headdress is not beta is because rare headdresses were released in October, Monday 2012. What real betas are considered unreleased items, items that were during beta testing or shortly after,  or delated/glitched items such as the glitched ring or the skullies.
As you may have noticed the headdresses all of the colored ones got a rare sign on it on November of 2015. This makes the ones without the rare sign a pretty valuable item because now all you can win is the rare item Monday headdresses.
These aren't worth much according to some jammers they proved they aren't even worth a rare bow and arrow or some worns! Items people may accept for a rare headdress: Note: Many jammers want it for the looks not for the rareity so people will not easily give them up. For example I try trading my rare raspberry bow and arrows for the rare item monday one and they said no. I guess I would need like 10 or fifteen of those.

  1. Though I said they aren't worth a worn but because jammers want overtrades you need certain colors and at least up to four maybe 5 for one trade. Though again since many jammers like overtrades but you don't want to give up spikes maybe twenty worns for a headdress depending on which one. Maybe less
  2. Some real den betas maybe about 2-4. But because jammers like unfair trades (over trades) Depending on the jammer they might accept for the twenty real den betas not that you are able to add up to twenty items. Maybe less
  3. Many people want spikes so maybe a short collar and a long wrist band depending on the color of the headdress
  4. For the rare item Monday one it is worth trying a long wrist band or short collar. Also you could try six good den betas

Monday, March 28, 2016

Rare Item Monday!

Hey jammers so sorry haven't posted anything in nine days, I was on a trip for spring break! Anyway I am back on the spot! And guess what today is Monday, which means there is a rare for today! Todays rare is the rare horned leg pads that has purple, pink, and blue coloring on the item. This item looks great with the diamond spike blu and pink collar especially with the arctic wolf! So don't forget to pick yours up today before it goes!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Plaque Key

Video plaque

contest plaque

howl plaque

snapshot plaque

online safety plaque

artist plaque

How to Get Animal Jam Plaques!

Hey jammers iceskating112 here! Todays futured item is the animal jam plaques. Depending on the jammer, some jammers say they are very rare and is worth lots of beta like spikes and headdresses. Since some people really like them I would suggest to get them to increases your rarity because depending on the person they may offer a couple long spike collars or a headdress.
Heres how to get them:

  1. Artist Plaque: This plaque is the second most common found in Jammaa. To get this plaque is to submitt artwork to animal jam and find it on the jammer central located in Jammaa Township. Check about a week or two later or check your jam a gram to see if it came. Some items this may possibly be worth is about 2 real den betas
  2. Howl plaque: To get this plaque send howl on the bottom of the jammer central and see if it makes it in the jammer central a week or two from the day you submitted it or see if a jam a gram from animal jam came. 
  3. AJHQ plaque: For this one you will need to send them a letter like an actual handwritten letter and be sure to include your username. Once you have mailed them a letter and they received it then they should send you an AJHQ plaque. Though this takes time because animal jam head quarters are busy! Some people may offer rare spike or possibly a headdress! Another way you can get one is 1by getting futured in the epic dens daily news
  4. Contest plaque: To get this plaque you will need to win a contest wether it's a den one, best outfit or whatever. Which I never going to get one but good luck to all jammers who enter one! This item depending on the person may offer you lots of den betas or possibly a rare spike or headdress so stay tuned and don't get rid of them as soon as possible unless u have duplicates.
  5. News crew plaque: To get this plaque submit something answering a question or somethig found in the daily explorer! This plaque is not very common and some jammers will offer a lot for it, so hang tight to those plaques for one day you may get your dream spike or headdress maybe!
  6. Video plaque: This plaque is not at all very common, you may check Aldan which has the rarest jammers but I bet most of them will not even have one! To get this plaque you must ask a question and receive answers to that question in brady Barr!
  7. Online Safety Quiz: To get this you must answer all the questions correctly on the first try to get an online safety quiz plaque. This plaque is the most common in animal jam which makes it not worth so much but, some items this is worth may be thing like maybe one maybe a couple rare item Mondays or maybe a worn.

In Wootmoo's Den!

Hey jammers! As you may all know this famous jammer named wootmoo, an arctic wolf non member his den is always so full with rare jammers like these pictured below, lol though they are all covered. This den always takes such a long time to get in though so just keep trying! Apparently he removed all of their items not sure if he quitted or doesn't have enough non member items to make it look rare again. 
Wootmoos rarity is very high if you look at his pass animals and clothing his past decorated dens you'll notice that he is pretty much wearing and has all rares! He had lots of spike collars, top hats real den betas. For example if you look at these photos before his membership expired:

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Animal Jam Membership Update

Hello jammers as some of you may have noticed the animal jam memberships you can pay monthly now for the one year and six month one or you can purchase the full payment which is the regular cost before this. Not sure how the pay monthly works but I believe they will have an automatic re new now every month if you decide to purchase membership. If that is true then you can get more diamonds for the one year 4.83 cost.

How to Change Your Username on Animal Jam

Hey jammers to keep your account safe from scammers or other people you can actually change your animal jam username! To do this here are step by step instructions!

  1. Send an email to AJHQ and be sure to include: your current username, parent email attached to that account, four unique choices of for your new username, or if your parent has bought membership be sure to include animal jam transaction ID or confirmation number to your membership.

Why The Animal Jam Go's Offline

Many Jammers don't know the real reason why animal jam go's offline so some jammers leave rumors or just leave a big question mark in their head but I was reading through AJHQ's reasons in the animal jam help center. Well animal jam goes offline because of because of new contents or updates that are added to the game or because they need to go offline because of unscheduled maintenance. Though they work hard to get animal jam back on it's feet just for us! So next time you hear rumors that aren't really related to one of these situations then they are not really true. Happy Jamming and keep on checking if it is still not working!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Rare item Monday!

Hey jammers today is Monday, which means it there is a rare in the jam mart clothing! Todays rare is the rare shamrock glasses sold for I believe 750 gems on the second page! Yet this rare is a members only rare Sadly I have no more of those raers because I gave one up for phantom goop so here is an animated image of them:
Don't forget to to stop by the jam mart clothing to pick up yours today! They make cool glasses on certain animals
       happy jamming

Sunday, March 13, 2016

How to Tell The Difference Between Beta Blanket and Regular

Many jammers don't even know of a beta old blanket but this item is a very rare item and may be more or about the same as the beta arctic hood. Most of all jammers who know or have heard of this item gets mixed up between the normal and the beta one but if you actually look carefully there is actually a huge difference that is easier to tell the difference then the beta arctic hood to the regular! To tell the difference is very simple and heres how:
In this picture the regular one is colored more into a brighter green:

Bu the beta one looks so much lighter and looks very faded you can also till the greens are slightly different:
Some items the beta one is worth:
  1. 2-4 black long collars
  2. 2-4 nr headdress
  3. about 15 real den betas
  4. beta arctic hood

How to Never Get Scammed Updated Version

Hey jammers! As you know many of you probably gotten scammed even if it is the smallest scam such as send me stuff to win my spikes, well they didn't say what kind of stuff so you give them bad store bought items, they walk away and leave, you still got scammed!
Well I am going to give you tips on how not to get scammed for the rest of your animal jam life!

  1. Trust trades- Ok, I don't get why people trust random jammers with their items and expect something magical to come, I mean it's just really stupid no offense to jammers who do this but I mean if you think about it all makes since why would they put a bad item on trade and say you can have my spike once you trade it equal for my necklace. That is just like asking for money to be wasted for something not useful and asking for more scammers .
  2. Send me gifts, best one wins this...Well honestly this make no since because why can't that person just add it to their trade and have someone trade it for the item, instead of gift it and not get scammed? This makes no since it's like saying if you give me the most money I will give you something priceless later. Eventually that person will just walk away with your money and not give you the valuable item. Same goes with items on animal jam.
  3. Another thing is that you should never do gift for gift either. So when people say gift for gift I send back fairly, well they don't I did that before and I sent them something like rare old hood and they sent diamond tail that you can buy in the diamond shop for three diamonds. They also try to get you to send your most valuable items such as your favorite spike band by scamming you saying I will give you something worth more like a headdress. When they don't even have a headdress. Yesterday someone told me that their trade system was broken when really it wasn't so they said if you gift me your rare backpack then I will give you headdress, they didn't even have a headdress luckily I didn't fall for it.
  4. Flash trades are just really annoying and stupid! They kind of a waste of time on animal jam because then your just sitting their doing unnecessary trades or visa versa sitting their and is stopped to trade every five seconds. This is also kind of a scam because they could quickly except but, luckily that's where the new trade system comes in handy to avoid that.
  5. Pillow clicking trades are just really awkward and kind of stupid because you are just waiting for someone take an item while your just keep on clicking an item in their den or something like that but this is where the new trade system comes in handy again to avoid this from happening. I also don't understand why people would just sit there wasting your time clicking one thing click, click, click, borrringg
  6. Overall to wrap this up, Never trust anyone online! Even if is your best friend from school you still shouldn't trust on animal jam but, online in general because people are different online then through person. Trust me this took me awhile to learn this that people are different online because they can easily lie, scam, or even post things about other people and not even get caught. They can act like a different person online and remain like that online when really that person can be very mean through person. Even worst people can act like your friend and later try to find your personal info, or try to scam you, or find you and do something bad to you. Remember when ever you are on the internet that the internet is a dangerous place and to think before your post

The Problem With the New Trade System

Hey jammers cooljammer here! So as you may have noticed animal Jam has a new trade system! Though this helps avoid some scams such as the trust trade but there are many other things that are not so good about this new trade system:

  1. People change their mind or cancel to annoy you! This happens every single day I trade on animal jam which is really annoying because someone overtrades you and then just rejects it after you want to accept this trade. Such as someone offered me a black top hat for mech angel wings and I wanted to accept it but, then the person just rejects it. This also happened to me today I got a black bad wrist, well no longer have it anymore but, anyway this person offered me a purple long spike collar and so I wanted to accept that trade that person rejected it!
  2. It encourages bad trades! Now that you can have up to twenty items on trade then this encourages jammers just to add like 10 random store bought items for like some beta. Like today someone offered me 6 bad items that you can get in stores and from return of the phantom items for my wood floor! Or people will put one rare and like things you can buy for your rares.
  3. People can scam you with more items! People can say something like trade me twenty items to win a spike they have/wearing and they'll put something bad on trade like a necklace. Then that jammer just walks away with those twenty items on trade. People can also say something like trade me your wood floor, rare fox hat, rare lei, rare bow an arrows, and rare backpack for my necklace and I will gift you my headdress in return, uhh Scam!

Tips on How to Get on The Epic Dens List

Hey jammers, many jammers probably wonder about how to get on the epic dens list, well I had experience with that! About three months ago I was on this list of epic dens and figured out why! Though this made some jammers upset about my den because it wasn't beta, so someone sent me a jam a gram saying I have a bad den but, just because a den isn't beta doesn't mean it is not cool which is my first tip.
Here are some things you should consider but, don't worry if you don't get on soon it changes daily!
Some things to consider:

  1. Decorate your den how ever you would like! It could have a theme with it such as I saw a really cool jungle themed den. Or for example I just put completely random items and cluttered it together and made it to the epic dens list with my rocket ship den though currently it is at my small house and is all non member items except den portal!
  2. Remember AJHQ looks for dens that they think jammers who spent time and effort into making it unique and interesting. And believe me there are so many cool items to put in your den wether it's beta or not! Also you want to set a good impression by showing off your rarity as well because people like dens with lots of real den betas if you don't have lots or even any there are still so many cool things out their
  3. Invite friends or random jammers to look or have a party in your den! AJHQ wants to future a den that people want to go to or many jammers go to such as julian2's den or wootmoo's den, there dens are always, like ALWAYS full, I can never get into their den!
Here are some examples of epic dens though they are all crowded but epic dens don't have to be crowded!

How to Get a headdress on Animal Jam

Hey jammers it's me iceskating112 again! So many jammers say it is like impossible to get a headdress but many jammers are very strict when it comes to trading their headdresses because they like the look and it's rarity. It makes them stand out more but you can shine like that heres how to get one:

  1. Start small
  2. Try to get small beta clothing's (top hats, mech angel helmets, rhino helmets, pig tails, nr worns, nm swords, etc.
  3. Go to Jammaa or Aldan is the best places and say something like trade me real den betas (open/closed signs, beta mats, globes, bubble gum machine, pot o' gems, candy basket, basketball, wood floor tan carpet, etc.
  4. Next offer about 3-4 of those for a rare spike wrist band
  5. once you get two of those trade it for a collar or some jammers want to bads for a long wrist
  6. once you get some bad collars then give 2 of those for a long
  7. try get a red or purple long because that is equal to one rare headdress blue and white one
  8. to get the other ones keep continuing the steps and getting more spikes then offer some for a black long
  9. once you get at least 6-8 then try trade 1-3 depending on the color of the headdress and then you'll have lots of headdress
  10. keep continuing that soon you'll have lots of headdress, spikes, small clothing betas, and lots of den betas
  11. keep in mind this may take lots of time so be patient of course you'll come across jammers who only want way overtrades so just keep trying and find those jammers who will trade fairly!

Gecko Plushies

Hey jammers todays futured beta is the gecko plushies! As you may know this item is a non member BETA and was released during beta testing days. This item was sold for a hundred gems and there only two colors, green and orange. The green is not as rare as the orange so be careful when choosing your gecko plushie if you are trading for one. 
Some items these are worth particularly the orange one:
  1. cami's frog
  2. books
  3. bongo drums
  4. basket of candy
  5. sidekix plushie
  6. rare claw
  7. rare headdress
  8. rare cloud
  9. orange or blue mats


Any Offers for Wood Floor?

Hey jammers, If you would like to have a wood floor may you leave a comment below or jam a gram me your offer for wood floor. Keep in mind I am super, super, super, super hard when it comes to trading that because I really like that item and want to bea able to use it when I turn back into an non member, Thanks-
                   Jam on, iceskating112

Open/Closed Signs

Hey jammers todays futured beta is the open/closed signs! This item is an interesting item because it has a  palm tree on the side of the sign that maybe means something BETA and was released during the beta days.  This item is not very common to see on jammers trade list but this item is worth quite a bit.
some items the open/closed signs are worth:
  1. pot o'gems
  2. moon dirt
  3. spaceship walls
  4. beta rose bush
  5. tan carpet
  6.  mira statues
  7. yellow sweets
  8. zios sculpture
  9. gazelle horns
  10. mech angel helmet

How To Get a Wood Floor/tan carept!

Hey jammers, As you you may have noticed not many jammers have wood floor nor the tan carpet. So this makes it a very hard item to get and it's rarity is pretty high to many jammers. Yet there is one thing that many jammers want for it and I would like to show how to get a wood floor or tan carpet, it is super easy!

  1. start off with top hats, mech angel helmets, pigtails, nm swords, nr worns, etc.
  2. then get real den betas 
  3. next trade those for spike bands 
  4. many jammers want spike bands/collars for them preferably the long spike band or a bad collar
  5. or they would like lots of real den betas like 4-6 at least just to be safe
  6. There is your wood floor
  7. I guess you could try like 10-15 random rares, though keep in mind that rare item Mondays are not very valuable

Please Report, Mean Jammer!

Hey jammers last night I made an accidental mix up between the beta tiara and the regular tiara and just gave up a random rare the (rare royal cape) because this jammer said she accepts anything so I thought this tiara was beta by accident so I was walking around Jammaa saying beta tiara on trade unaware that it wasn't beta so this jammer told me it wasn't beta and so we were arguing about it until I saw that it the non beta gem on it. This is what she sent me:

Den Exploration+On With Cherryfizz44

Hey jammers as the futured epic dens I would like to share what some look like that I suggest you look at your self. I hope you enjoy some of these dens:
This is leaf piles den this persons den is filled with piles of leaves

This is tableshops den his/her den is filled with sturdy tables

Me in cherryfizz44's den! As you can see she is the arctic wolf. I sent her a gift saying how I am a fan of hers

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Animal Jam Fans Drawings

OMG Someone Overtraded Me!

Hey jammers got some strange news! Apparently some jammers really want lucky stuff that you can just get in lucky clovers adventure. So what happened to me is that this jammer was like say pie if you have giant patch of clovers, so I said pie since I had two of them from lucky clovers and this person first offered me nm swords unfortunately he/she changed his/her mind for the beta orange mat! So I immediately accepted it. So there is my good news thanks for dropping by on this blog see you jammers for more posts!

How to Tell the Difference Between Beta Arctic Hood and Regular

Most jammers do not even know about the beta arctic hood but, the beta arctic hood is actually super rare item that many jammer don't have even the rarest jammers in Aldan. It is even more rare then the founders hat which is a pretty rare item and is more common. Though many people who have it or don't have it gets mixed up between the regular and the beta but there is only one simple way to tell; the color of the hood. Now this is item is super beta so don't rush to trade it unless you really want to or if u have more then one and don't find your self getting mixed up. Heres how to tell
For the store bought one the blue color is slightly darker then the beta as you can see here is the color difference:
The bottom one is beta an the top one is the store bought

Some items the beta hood is worth:
  1. 2 or 3 black longs
  2. 2 or 3 founders
  3.  lots and lots of real den betas like almost the twenty trade items you can add

Friday, March 11, 2016

How to Tell The Difference Between Beta Tiara and Regular Tiara

hey jammers as you may know for some jammers it is hard to tell the difference between a beta tiara and the store bought tiara. This can cause mix ups scams that fake the beta tiara and other commotion. Well the truth is it is actually very easy to easy to tell the difference so heres how!
The first thing you should know is that there is the pearly tiara, beta tiara, and store bought tiara.
If you look carefully you'll notice there is a little jewel thing at the top. Now when you trade you'll notice that some jammers have different colored ones, though it is not very common to find jammers with the beta kind of tiara.
The store bought tiara has a red jewel at the top like this one:

The pearly tiara is beta and typically is the white tiara with a purple jewel on the top:

The beta tiara is also beta and is usually green with a blue jewel on the top. Sometimes it may have the purple.
some items the beta tiaras are worth:
  1. mira statue
  2. tan carpet
  3. blue vines
  4. rare headdress (depending on the person)
  5. long spikes (depending on the person)
  6. tan carpet
  7. nm swords