Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Things Jammers Do That Annoy Me Part II

Hey jammers! Of course there are many things to like about animal jam. But there are many things that annoy you such as what the jammers do. Here are some that pretty much annoy everyone and defiantly annoy me!

  1. When Jammers ask for items that aren't even on your trade list- These jammers will find you and say something like wow your so rare, can I have your headdress? That headdresses is not even on your trade so you'll say no especially if it is one of the hardest items to get. 
  2. When People trade you then a few minutes later they find you again and want to trade back- These jammers will say something like want to trade? Then you'll end up trading...three minutes later they'll say wait can I trade back?
  3. Unfair trades- These jammers will give you something bad for one of your good items or an item that is not even worth what they offer you. An example is when this Monday I bought rare item Monday (the rare lucky clover tie) So then about ten minutes later someone offered me the rare item Monday for my rare fox hat (red).
  4. When people just go to your den to annoy you- Some jammers go to your den and start just dancing saying things like This is so fun..or they'll do a bunch of emojis! Sometimes your like uh hello I'm kind of busy can you leave...Then they'll say something like they don't care..
  5. People who flash trade you- This happened to me before a few times when they just kept flash trading me with random items for my items on trade. Sometimes they won't stop so then you have try and leave as quick as possible to your den or a different world.
  6. When jammers just follow you where ever you go- That never happened to me before but I know how annoying it is because I watched you tube videos on things like that or I know how annoying it is because sometimes that happens in the real world. These jammers basically just follow your animal and find you in different worlds.
  7. Spammers- This happened to me once when these two jammers took turns spamming so my jam a gram looked like every other jammer sending me the same thing animal jam rocks. So it looked like it was growing massively from 0-10 jam a grams. Though eventually it will stop because they'll reach their limits on jam a grams to you for the day.

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