Sunday, March 13, 2016

How To Get a Wood Floor/tan carept!

Hey jammers, As you you may have noticed not many jammers have wood floor nor the tan carpet. So this makes it a very hard item to get and it's rarity is pretty high to many jammers. Yet there is one thing that many jammers want for it and I would like to show how to get a wood floor or tan carpet, it is super easy!

  1. start off with top hats, mech angel helmets, pigtails, nm swords, nr worns, etc.
  2. then get real den betas 
  3. next trade those for spike bands 
  4. many jammers want spike bands/collars for them preferably the long spike band or a bad collar
  5. or they would like lots of real den betas like 4-6 at least just to be safe
  6. There is your wood floor
  7. I guess you could try like 10-15 random rares, though keep in mind that rare item Mondays are not very valuable

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