Sunday, March 13, 2016

How to Never Get Scammed Updated Version

Hey jammers! As you know many of you probably gotten scammed even if it is the smallest scam such as send me stuff to win my spikes, well they didn't say what kind of stuff so you give them bad store bought items, they walk away and leave, you still got scammed!
Well I am going to give you tips on how not to get scammed for the rest of your animal jam life!

  1. Trust trades- Ok, I don't get why people trust random jammers with their items and expect something magical to come, I mean it's just really stupid no offense to jammers who do this but I mean if you think about it all makes since why would they put a bad item on trade and say you can have my spike once you trade it equal for my necklace. That is just like asking for money to be wasted for something not useful and asking for more scammers .
  2. Send me gifts, best one wins this...Well honestly this make no since because why can't that person just add it to their trade and have someone trade it for the item, instead of gift it and not get scammed? This makes no since it's like saying if you give me the most money I will give you something priceless later. Eventually that person will just walk away with your money and not give you the valuable item. Same goes with items on animal jam.
  3. Another thing is that you should never do gift for gift either. So when people say gift for gift I send back fairly, well they don't I did that before and I sent them something like rare old hood and they sent diamond tail that you can buy in the diamond shop for three diamonds. They also try to get you to send your most valuable items such as your favorite spike band by scamming you saying I will give you something worth more like a headdress. When they don't even have a headdress. Yesterday someone told me that their trade system was broken when really it wasn't so they said if you gift me your rare backpack then I will give you headdress, they didn't even have a headdress luckily I didn't fall for it.
  4. Flash trades are just really annoying and stupid! They kind of a waste of time on animal jam because then your just sitting their doing unnecessary trades or visa versa sitting their and is stopped to trade every five seconds. This is also kind of a scam because they could quickly except but, luckily that's where the new trade system comes in handy to avoid that.
  5. Pillow clicking trades are just really awkward and kind of stupid because you are just waiting for someone take an item while your just keep on clicking an item in their den or something like that but this is where the new trade system comes in handy again to avoid this from happening. I also don't understand why people would just sit there wasting your time clicking one thing click, click, click, borrringg
  6. Overall to wrap this up, Never trust anyone online! Even if is your best friend from school you still shouldn't trust on animal jam but, online in general because people are different online then through person. Trust me this took me awhile to learn this that people are different online because they can easily lie, scam, or even post things about other people and not even get caught. They can act like a different person online and remain like that online when really that person can be very mean through person. Even worst people can act like your friend and later try to find your personal info, or try to scam you, or find you and do something bad to you. Remember when ever you are on the internet that the internet is a dangerous place and to think before your post

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