Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Types of Jammers

Hey jammers me again! As you have noticed there are many kinds of jammers and they all do many different things on animal jam! Here are some!

  1. The Newbie- This jammer is walking around commenting things like wow everyone is so rare or help me I don't know this game works. Sometimes they can bother you a lot and be a little annoying but, I bet you were like that when you first started
  2. The scammers- This is probably the most common jammers you'll see in Jammaa. These people try and trick you into you giving them one of your items without them giving you something in return or knowing. Sometimes they work in groups so be extra careful!
  3. The Trading type- These jammers are always on the look put for opportunities to trade for your items. They are excited about becoming rare or they may feel in a competition to become the rarest jammer. Though there are jammers who like to trade fairly and some who trade unfairly for your items this leads to this next type of jammer..........
  4. The cry baby- This jammer is constantly getting upset if you decline your trade. You'll say what's your offer..They'll trade you something like four den shop pillows for your favorite rare spike or something...once you decline they'll say that was fair! or your mean! or they'll just act like a baby about it.
  5. The beggars- These jammers will just find something on your trade or something you are wearing and ask if they can have it. You will likely say no...then they'll be like please, please, please.....Or sometimes they'll send you a jam a gram asking you for one of your items! This happened to me before someone sent me a jam a gram asking for my pink bad long because they said they don't have anything... I said sorry no.. They jam a gramed back plz, plz, plz...These jammers are very annoying!
  6. The adventures jammers- These jammers are interested in leveling up to the highest levels they can get to..They enjoy battling those phantoms...collecting adventure items...So thank you to those jammers for fighting to keep Jammaa safe from those evil phantoms.
  7. The addicted jammers- These jammers are spending hours on animal jam...I heard that people spend six hours on animal jam everyday which causes them to be up late and have animal jam getting them up in the morning. Honestly I don't know how they can do that but they know their daily routine.
  8. The mail time/gift me jammers-These jammers are going around Jammaa saying gift me to look silly, or gift me my B-day, goft me doing mailtime, or gift me I am recording! These jammers are not the most trustworthy people because they say things that are likely untrue or they say things just to get random items hoping to get good ones.

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