Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Is Animal Jam to Competitive.......? Do Rares Define Jammers..........?

Ever since the beta days there were rarely scams, and those who tried scamming lost many of their valuable items. And ever since those beta days people enjoyed the beta days and being easily be able to buy the rarest stuff in Jammaa, being able to find someone to play with, going to some of the oldest parties, doing the new adventures coming to Jammaa but that all changed after the beta days finished. Scammers were born, jealousy and pressure over being the rarest jammer started, mail time and overtrades came to Jammaa. This is because after the beta days rares started to really matter; they started to represent jammers such as the rarer you are the more popularity, the more fans, free gifts, the more power and control you get. Now the present Jammaa in Aldan you see many jammers telling jammers to overtrade, spamming them with deals, or scamming them for stupid stuff that won't matter ten years from now but jammers do it just so they can get more out of a trade then the other.
But can there be a possible chance that a jammer caused all of this scamming, mail time and all those stupid commotions? Well according some jammers, they say that julian2 is responsible for this stuff that changed Jammaa forever.  julian2 is one of those jammers who are just plain old popular in Jammaa and is very well known. He has so many lovers/fans but many haters to. If you have noticed there is always so many people in his den and chanters but the real reason is because of something called mail time. Now many jammers get jealous of the idea of getting free gifts, receiving rare item Monday is another rare thing for jammers.
Though like everything else in life gifts come with a price. The price comes with a negative price but, what kind of price? The price with mail time is that many jammers get stressed over rares. That pressure starts to build up and jammers spend hours and hours of precious time sitting at one screen trying to collect rare spikes, headdresses, and other betas. Negative things happen such as jammers complaining how there not rare, some cry over that they not rare enough. That once they see jammers post a youtube video about them winning a a rare spike then it causes other jammers to feel bad about their account for not being that rare. I mean yes animal jam has many flaws in the game but Animal Jam says jammers don't care for rares and that it doesn't effect that many people, but it does. Just remember what prices you pay for all those fans, gifts, and all that stuff that sound amazing
Now look back to when you were a new jammer of course you didn't know Animal Jam was all about rares unless someone told you. So your their sitting there enjoying all the adventures, games, parties just like how it should be. But if popularity, rares, beta is all you want then you maybe animal jam is not a good game for you. Why stress over a game? It just a game and games are ment to be fun and exciting. Games won't define you in the future and who you become. Though if that is how you would like to spend your life then go ahead but, your gaining nothing precious, and your not getting paid to play their game in fact they want you to spend a fortune one expensive membership.
What jammers should really be doing is just enjoying the game and they should remember that rares don't define who they are.

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