Friday, March 11, 2016

Reasons Why Animal Jam Is so Addictive

Hey jammers thought this might interest you on why some jammers find it quite addictive to animal jam! So here are some reasons why:

  1. The Community is driven with news, rares, adventures, etc. Animal jam has a very organized society with specials such as rare item Monday, diamond Tuesday, new parties, updates, holiday adventures. This encourages jammers to check it out before it all goes away. Plus animal jam allows you to trade and gift which always makes jammers excited when they get accepted a trade they always wanted or gifted.
  2. Animal Jam is a great game to be able to track progress such as how much rarer you get over time by your trade and inventory being filled slowly with more and more rares then with beta such as the rare spike, headdress and your den being filled with beta. You can do adventures and try to level up your animal to high level!
  3. Animal jam has a very familiar environment which makes jammers feel more comfortable playing the game because the game always look the same such as Jammaa the people. They slowly add stuff which also makes the community driven. A driven community encourages other people and make them more familiar with the game and people which also allows you to become their buddy!
  4. You can find animal jam anywhere! Animal jam news, glitches, etc. you can find anywhere such as blogs, youtube, even websites. This encourage jammers to go on animal jam more such as when they see someone get a rare spike. You can hear things from other jammer which allow you to talk about anytime you want.

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