Thursday, March 31, 2016

Rare Nerd Glasses Overrated?

Hey jammers it is me iceskating112! I am here with some interesting things about rare nerds coming to a decision that maybe they could be over rated. Well first of all they are not that rare because it was released as a rare on Monday, August, 26, 2013. After the rare item Monday they had such a huge supple and demand that many jammers were willing to give up a lot of items that aren't even worth it. Though they have a high demand the truth is they doesn't really look that good on any animals besides the bunnies, the wolves, and the owl. It may be that jammers liked the look on the page, or it they wear glasses at home, or the y want to look smart online. I mean I own a pair but I don't particularly like them other then it is high demand

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