Wednesday, March 9, 2016

What It's Like When You get Scammed on Animal Jam

Hey jammers cooljammer aj here! Do you remember the day you go scammed if you have been scammed? Remember how you felt as a jammer? Well I definitely remember how it felt and scams had a very big impact on me on animal jam but not just in AJ but in real life.
I have been through many scams and believe me I have been scammed four times now part of the reason why I fell for them is because ever since I got my membership I felt like I had to compete to the rarest jammer side! Well my second scam was when someone said come to my den.  I went to their den. The next thing they said was if your gift me your outfit  and the rare glove and rare sofa you can have my pink long I am wearing. Well I did it and after that the person locked me out before I could report them. I felt so bad all was in my mind that I just lost every single rare and will have to start over. I thought about quitting animal jam for awhile. I was so sad I thought that I would look stupid out there showing up with blank animals, no rares, and no den items. I was so disappointed in my self. But, I didn't quit instead it just made me get stressed over rares and more competitive for the rarest jammer.
Soon enough one month or two later I was wondering in Jammaa looking for trades for my two wrists bad version pink and purple, well I remember this non member seal had a blue bad collar on trade commenting win my spike. So I went to his/her den seeing about ten other jammers. A few minutes later the jammer who said you could win the collar came and said who ever can trade their best for this wins. I didn't know about trust trades that much. So this is where my animal jam life fell apart. I offered the two bad shorts and the jammer just left, luckily I had time to report but then I was so sad I was on my to becoming rare. I felt so pressured so pressured to become rare that people started bullying me with mean jam a grams so I actually quit AJ for three months. I felt so sad I actually sometimes would feel tears come out. I felt like punching my self to the floor till I couldn't move.
Many scams make jammers feel bad and may cause them to quit so if you scam you should stop because first of all it's just not right and people will hate you post things on youtube talking about you scamming like everything it comes with a price and scamming in a game may effect who you will be in the future and if you still scam when you grow up you'l live a miserable life.

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