Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How to Tell the Difference Between a Glitched Ring and a Normal

Hey jammers! As a jammer I would like to help avoids scams in items such as the glitched on trades when it may not be. One common one is when people say glitched ring on trade, though they may not be lying but, it is always important to be cautious because people can trick you. For example I thought someone had a beta tiara on trade so I traded them a rare royal cape and they accepted, well turns out that was a store bought one. Now first of all it is important to know there is two types of glitched rings.
The first one is the most obvious and is worth the most. I looks like:

The second one can be a little tricky. Now this one you have to look carefully. The normal one has lighter line colors like the picture below. The glitched one is the one with darker lines (Black ones)
Non glitched


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