Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Rare Spikes

Hey jammers tonight to wrap this up for today I would like to future the rare spike collars! This item is one of the top wanted items in Jammaa and many jammers have today! These are typically wanted for both the look and the rareness! And of course this item is BETA. If you have one of these you are one lucky duck!

These are worth lots of beta that takes time to get because there are different levels of rarity for rare spikes such as color is a bog one and depending if it is a long or short one!
What they are worth:
For a bad wrist:
  1. tan carpet/wood floor
  2. mira statue 
  3. brick wall
  4. space ship walls
  5. moon dirt
  6. fly traps
  7. Beta mats
  8. porch swing
  9. nature archway
  10. small round tables
  11. cat banner
  12. scarecrow (non phantom)
  13. yellow sweets
FOUR of any of those betas are worth one bad short
For a long wrist:
  1. 2 bad wrists (May need to add some more)
  2. worns
  3. top hats
  4. neon bows
  5. real den betas listed above
For a bad long collar
  1. 2 long wrists (May need to add more)
  2. real den betas
  3. neon bows
  4. 4 bad wrists
For a long collar
  1. 2 bad long collars(may need to add more)
  2. 4 long wrists
  3. real den betas
  4. founders hats

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