Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How To Get Free Diamonds in Animal Jam! NO HACKS,NO CODES, NO GLITCHES!!!

Hey guys guess what just found out how to get free diamonds! And yes you read the title right no hacks, no codes, and no glitches! It's actually much more simpler then trying to do work any of the no's above! So today I want to show you step by step!

  1. Go to animaljam.com and scroll down to where it says contact us tab. Then something should pop up like this:

  2. Fill out the info such as the email, the name, etc.
  3. Next when it says somethings like type your message here you want to have a polite letter to AJHQ sounding like the parent. Start by saying hello AJHQ....Thank you so much for all the things animal jam has to offer.....there have been some problems such as scamming or hacking....Also saying things like my child....so, my child has said that some person has taken the following items....Something nice like that because not only it's polite and respectful, but if you say this person took my....... Then they'll likely just ignore you. Don't forget to till them your username or it will just take longer.
  4. Then they'll email you saying allow 24-48 hours of a reply and bla bla bla. Next around that time span it will ask for conformation of the user and the parent email account. Finally they'll reward you with how ever much membership you purchased or based on how many time you complain.
  5. One thing you don't want to do is to keep complaining a lot because eventually they'll just stop sending you the diamonds. About every few times a year is probably necessary time to do so.
  6. So yay you have your diamonds!

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