Sunday, March 6, 2016

I Miss Being a Non Member Sometimes!

Like many people, they say being a member is so cool and they get so much! but the truth is I kind of miss being a non member somedays because once I got my membership after a few weeks I kind of realized that the game is more interesting as a non member and that being blocked from many things, looking up to members, not having to worry about the big competitiveness of being the rarest jammer, collecting plushies, and going to random dens. Those things always very much entertained me but ever since I got my member I was getting so competitive about being the rarest jammer that I actually got mean jam a grams, got scammed which made me even more competitive and started ruining the joy out of AJ a little. That I actually quit AJ for about three months because of to much pressure of the people, the mean stuff that was going on, and people at school were teasing me about liking animal jam. Other reasons why I miss being a non member is that I think there is more things to be proud of such as when you win the best dressed, horse race, or dolphin race but, being a member all you are is I want more instead of like Yay I won I am proud.
I missed using my cute little den! When I was a non member I was very sad that I was unable to get a bigger den but, after a few months I actually really like my small house more then any other den because I think you can fit your items better, it's more cozy,  and most of all since the member dens are really big and usually have a theme then it's super hard to fill your den and make interesting. It's also hard to collect items within that theme. So the nice thing about the non member small house is that you can put so many cool items in your den in any category and make it look spectacular and your den doesn't have a theme it can be your imagination with any item!
So what I did is I switched back to my small house and put only non member items except for my den portal to make it seem more like I am still a non member. Luckily I had tan carpet to make a non member floor!
Now I am waiting for October second for when I turn back into a non member! I am going to try and keep one of my member animal though like my bird so I can easily get to places faster!

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