Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Problem With the New Trade System

Hey jammers cooljammer here! So as you may have noticed animal Jam has a new trade system! Though this helps avoid some scams such as the trust trade but there are many other things that are not so good about this new trade system:

  1. People change their mind or cancel to annoy you! This happens every single day I trade on animal jam which is really annoying because someone overtrades you and then just rejects it after you want to accept this trade. Such as someone offered me a black top hat for mech angel wings and I wanted to accept it but, then the person just rejects it. This also happened to me today I got a black bad wrist, well no longer have it anymore but, anyway this person offered me a purple long spike collar and so I wanted to accept that trade that person rejected it!
  2. It encourages bad trades! Now that you can have up to twenty items on trade then this encourages jammers just to add like 10 random store bought items for like some beta. Like today someone offered me 6 bad items that you can get in stores and from return of the phantom items for my wood floor! Or people will put one rare and like things you can buy for your rares.
  3. People can scam you with more items! People can say something like trade me twenty items to win a spike they have/wearing and they'll put something bad on trade like a necklace. Then that jammer just walks away with those twenty items on trade. People can also say something like trade me your wood floor, rare fox hat, rare lei, rare bow an arrows, and rare backpack for my necklace and I will gift you my headdress in return, uhh Scam!

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