Wednesday, March 16, 2016

How to Get Animal Jam Plaques!

Hey jammers iceskating112 here! Todays futured item is the animal jam plaques. Depending on the jammer, some jammers say they are very rare and is worth lots of beta like spikes and headdresses. Since some people really like them I would suggest to get them to increases your rarity because depending on the person they may offer a couple long spike collars or a headdress.
Heres how to get them:

  1. Artist Plaque: This plaque is the second most common found in Jammaa. To get this plaque is to submitt artwork to animal jam and find it on the jammer central located in Jammaa Township. Check about a week or two later or check your jam a gram to see if it came. Some items this may possibly be worth is about 2 real den betas
  2. Howl plaque: To get this plaque send howl on the bottom of the jammer central and see if it makes it in the jammer central a week or two from the day you submitted it or see if a jam a gram from animal jam came. 
  3. AJHQ plaque: For this one you will need to send them a letter like an actual handwritten letter and be sure to include your username. Once you have mailed them a letter and they received it then they should send you an AJHQ plaque. Though this takes time because animal jam head quarters are busy! Some people may offer rare spike or possibly a headdress! Another way you can get one is 1by getting futured in the epic dens daily news
  4. Contest plaque: To get this plaque you will need to win a contest wether it's a den one, best outfit or whatever. Which I never going to get one but good luck to all jammers who enter one! This item depending on the person may offer you lots of den betas or possibly a rare spike or headdress so stay tuned and don't get rid of them as soon as possible unless u have duplicates.
  5. News crew plaque: To get this plaque submit something answering a question or somethig found in the daily explorer! This plaque is not very common and some jammers will offer a lot for it, so hang tight to those plaques for one day you may get your dream spike or headdress maybe!
  6. Video plaque: This plaque is not at all very common, you may check Aldan which has the rarest jammers but I bet most of them will not even have one! To get this plaque you must ask a question and receive answers to that question in brady Barr!
  7. Online Safety Quiz: To get this you must answer all the questions correctly on the first try to get an online safety quiz plaque. This plaque is the most common in animal jam which makes it not worth so much but, some items this is worth may be thing like maybe one maybe a couple rare item Mondays or maybe a worn.

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